| Home | Polk Heritage | Thomas Bell & Sarah Colburn 3 | John Revel Colburn & Elizabeth Barbara Petty 3 | Revel Colburn & Margaret Polk 4 | John Bell and Nellie Robinson 4 | Spencer Coleburn 5 | William Polk & Sabra Bradford 5 | William Colburn and Temperance 6 | William Polk & Priscilla Roberts 6 | John Polk and Jugga Hugg 7 | Robert Colburn and Rebecca Revell 7 | Robert Bruce Polk and Magdalen Tasker 8 | William Colburn and Ann 8 | Sir Robert Pollok 9 | Holland Pedigree | Extended pedigree (polk) | Bell pedigree chart | unnamed photos | Index and other sites

Index and other sites

Forbes Family Tree

Holland Family Tree

Perego Family Tree


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